Global Trade –
Between Colonialism and Fair Trade

10.-13. February 2025
Missionsakademie Hamburg

Speicherstadt, Kontorhausviertel and container ships – in every corner of Hamburg you will stumble over evidence of flourishing world trade. European Colonialism has helped the city to great wealth and controversial cultural monuments. To this day Hamburg is considered an important trading metropolis that is also known as the German “Gateway to the World”. But global commodity flows have not only had their downsides in the past. Environmental pollution, precarious working conditions and human rights violations along the value chain are still omnipresent in global trade economy. Join us in Hamburg to explore the history, present and future of world trade together. The Hanseatic city offers unique insights and opportunities for this!

Participation Fee: 25 Euro


Studium (study)

Sprachkenntnisse / Language Skills:

Motivation (Angabe verpflichtend/ mandatory information)

Verpflegung (catering)

An- und Abreise / Arrival and Departure

Weitere Informationen/additional information